International orders normally require 5-25 days for delivery (depends per country). Please be advised international orders can sometimes be delayed in customs. Be sure to check your shipment tracking number (provided via email when the order ships) for delivery status.
We are not responsible for products confiscated by the legal authorities of your country or state; we advise you to check your local laws in advance, before ordering, if you suspect that your country bans any products
*Please Note* – If you are not able to select your country in the shipping field at checkout, this means that we unfortunately do not offer shipping to that country at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
International Shipping Duties and Taxes
Orders shipping to destinations outside the EU might incur duties and taxes. If duties and taxes are imposed on your order, they are due at time of delivery. Please consult your local customs office for more details about your country’s duties and taxes. We are not responsible for any import taxes, duties, or brokerages fees which may be incurred on your international order shipment.
If your country is not on our list of ship-able countries, please know that we are working hard to include services to your country in the future.
International Post Office Box (PO Box) addresses:
We regret that we cannot deliver to international post office boxes. A street address is required for international delivery. By accepting these terms & conditions, you agree that you are not providing a Post Office Box address for your shipment. In the event that your shipment is returned to us as undeliverable due to an international PO Box address, we will not be responsible for refunding shipping costs.
International Shipping Costs
International shipping charges vary by the products ordered and the shipping destination. Shipping charges are automatically calculated during the checkout process.